Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fabulous French Toast

I am a tiny bit anal about food storage. I like it well at hand and organized, and I firmly believe that food storage should only consist of things you will ACTUALLY EAT. In fact, while I do store wheat, almost all of my food storage flour is white, because I think that should the day ever come when I have to actually consume wheat berries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a slice of white bread on the plate next to it is going to taste like heaven. However, I do have a few items that mystify me a little bit. Evaporated milk is one of them. I have had exactly TWO recipes that use evaporated milk, and I tried a third this morning. It was a hit.

Fabulous French Toast
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup flour (don't pack it in)
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
dash of cinnamon

Whisk together all ingredients (it will look like a thin pancake batter). Dip slices of bread in milk mixture and cook on a greased hot griddle until brown on each side.


Sherry said...

Becca - your fabulous recipes are not helping my diet situation. I'll have to save this one for a weekend indulgence!

Cheryl said...

This was so yummy! I have five cans of milk that expire this month!